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5 Questions to Conquer the Health Habit Rollercoaster

Jul 18, 2024

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If you've ever found yourself stuck in the frustrating yo-yo of habits and patterns, this episode is for you.

Before we delve into the 5 transformative questions, let’s take a moment to visualize your highest, best self in complete detail.

Picture her vividly. What are her daily habits? How does she show up for herself? What are her priorities?

Does she wake up early, energized, and ready to embrace the day? Does she take time for herself, prioritizing her mental and physical well-being? Perhaps she loves to read, listen to uplifting podcasts, and maintain a positive mindset.

Envision her clearly because this is the foundation for creating lasting change.

The Five Transformative Questions

1. What action do I need to take?

Think small but consistent. For example, a 15-minute workout. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long session; even a short burst of exercise can make a big difference.

2. What behaviors do I need to adopt?

Commit to doing that 15-minute workout four times a week. Consistency is key. Small, regular actions lead to long-term success.

3. What do I need to believe?

Shift your mindset. Instead of thinking, "Workouts hurt my joints," believe, "I am worthy of making myself a priority." This positive belief will drive your actions and reinforce your new habits.

4. What values do I need to change?

Reflect on what you currently prioritize. Is it health, career, family? Realign your values to support your new habits. For example, place a higher value on health if it currently takes a backseat.

5. What is my identity to align with long-term change?

Embrace a new identity. Tell yourself, "I am someone who gets up early, loves to prioritize health, reads books, listens to podcasts, and adopts a positive mindset." This new identity will help you maintain your habits long-term.

By asking yourself these questions and truly embracing the answers, you'll be well on your way to conquering the health habit rollercoaster.

Remember, change starts from within, and it's about creating a lifestyle that supports your best self. 

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Let's continue to spread the message of holistic health and self-love.

Love and light,


PS. Have you been feeling stuck in a cycle of dieting and low self-esteem? I get it—I've been there too. That’s why I created the Naturally Well program, a 3-month transformative journey for women just like you. We’re diving deep into mindset, nutrition, and identity integration to help you rebuild self-worth and achieve sustainable health. Ready to break free and live a life full of vitality? Head over to my Instagram @hayley_morcom and let me know you'd like to apply.